Star Trek: Voyager. Stand alone novels

Taylor, Jeri Friedman, Michael Jan Carey, Diane L Smith, Dean Wesley Golden, Christie Piziks, Steven Lang, Jeffrey Beyer, Kirsten Jarman, Heather
1)  Mosaic , Star Trek: Voyager. Stand alone novels volume 1 
2)  Her Klingon soul , Star Trek: Voyager. Stand alone novels volume 2 
3)  Pathways , Star Trek: Voyager. Stand alone novels volume 3 
Pub. Date
Accelerated Reader
IL: UG - BL: 5.9 - AR Pts: 14
5)  Captain Proton, defender of the Earth , Star Trek: Voyager. Stand alone novels volume 5 
6)  Star Trek: Section 31. Shadow , Star Trek: Voyager. Stand alone novels volume 6 
7)  No man's land , Star Trek: Voyager. Stand alone novels volume 7 
9)  String theory. 1, Cohesion , Star Trek: Voyager. Stand alone novels volume 9 
10)  String theory. 2, Fusion , Star Trek: Voyager. Stand alone novels volume 10 
11)  String theory. 3, Evolution , Star Trek: Voyager. Stand alone novels volume 11